• 姓名: 谷文举
  • 职称: 副教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 长江大学
  • 物理与光电工程学院

◆ 教学情况


2014年6月2016年7月,长江大学物理与光电工程学院 讲师;

2016年8月至今,长江大学物理与光电工程学院 副教授;





◆ 表彰/奖励



◆ 学术研究

1 .主持学术研究课题

( 1 )二次耦合腔光力系统中量子非线性特性的研究 (项目编号 11504031),国家自然科学青年基金项目,负责人,2015 年。

2 .在国内外公开发行刊物上发表的学术论文


[1] 肖佳,徐大海, 伊珍, 谷文举*; 三机械薄膜腔光力系统相互作用研究, 物理学报 65,124202 (2016); (SCI 收录)


[1] Guoqing Yang, Wen-ju Gu, Gao-xiang Li, Bichen Zou, and Yifu Zhu; Quantum nonlinear cavity quantum electrodynamics with coherently prepared atoms, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92,033822 (2015);(Contributed to the theoretical derivations and simulations) (SCI 收录)

[2] Wen-ju Gu*, Zhen Yi, Li-hui Sun, and Da-hai Xu; Mechanical cooling in single-photon optomechanics with quadratic nonlinearity, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92,023811 (2015);(SCI 收录)

[3] Zhen Yi, Wen-ju Gu*, Su-juan Wei, and Da-hai Xu; Resolvent method on the single-photon optomechanical cooling, OPTICS Communications, 341, 28-31 (2015); (SCI 收录 )

[4] Yan Yan, Wen-ju Gu, and Gao-xiang Li; Entanglement transfer from two-mode squeezed vacuum light to spatially separated mechanical oscillators via dissipative optomechanical coupling, Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 58(5), 050306 (2015); (SCI 收录)


[1] Wen-ju Gu and Zhen Yi; Double optomechanically induced transparency in coupled-resonator system, OPTICS Communications, 333, 261-264 (2014); (SCI 收录 )

[2] Wen-ju Gu, Gao-xiang Li, Shao-ping Wu, and Ya-ping Yang; Generation of non-classical states of mirror motion in the single-photon strong-coupling system, OPTICS EXPRESS, 22, 018254(2014); (SCI 收录 )

[3] Hui Huang, Gao-xiang Li, Wen-ju Gu, and Z. Ficek; Establishment of correlated states in a quantum dot interacting with an acoustic phonon reservoir, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90,023815(2014);(SCI 收录)


[1] Wen-ju Gu and Gao-xiang Li; Squeezing of the mirror motion via periodic modulations in a dissipative optomechanical system,OPTICS EXPRESS, 21, 20423-20440 (2013); (SCI 收录 )

[2] Wen-ju Gu, Gao-xiang Li, and Ya-ping Yang; Generation of squeezed states in a movable mirror via dissipative optomechanical coupling, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 88, 013835 (2013); (SCI 收录)

[3] Wen-ju Gu and Gao-xiang Li; Quantum interference effects on ground-state optomechanical cooling, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 025804 (2013); (SCI 收录 )

[4] Zhen Yi,Wen-ju Gu, and Gao-xiang Li; Ground-state cooling for a trapped atom using cavity-induced double electromagnetically induced transparency, Optics Express 21, 3445-3462 (2013); (SCI 收录)


[1] Wen-ju Gu and Gao-xiang Li; Non-Markovian behavior for spontaneous decay of a V-type three-level atom with quantum interference, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 014101 (2012); (SCI 收录)

[2] Zhen Yi,Wen-ju Gu, and Gao-xiang Li; Sideband cooling of atoms with the help of an auxiliary transition, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 86, 055401 (2012); (SCI 收录)


[1] Li-hui Sun, Gao-xiang Li, Wen-ju Gu, and Z. Ficek; Generating coherence and entanglement with a finite-size atomic ensemble in a ring cavity, New Journal of Physics 13, 093019 (2011); (SCI 收录)
